This is Storm!

A writer, a mother, a self-admitted shopaholic.
I'm just trying to live a life I'm proud of!
Aren't we all?
Check out my secondary blog for short stories and clips about health, beauty, and parenting!

Monday, June 29, 2015

"Why Do Mormons Hate Gays?" Here's Your Answer.

Hey you. Yes, you awaaaaaaay up there on your high horse, waving around your rainbow flag and chanting “LOVE WINS” at the very top of your lungs. I heard you mentioning the bigotry that exudes from the LDS church towards the LGBT community. What was that all about? Come down here for a second. I want to tell you something. You want to hear this.

Whoa, careful. It would really suck to fall from so high up. While you struggle to return to reality, let me ask you something:

Have you ever given your support to the LGBT community in any other way than your Twitter and Facebook posts? No, coloring your profile pictures with a rainbow filter does not count. You've joined quite a massive conglomeration of saints, I see. I've thought about picking up that rainbow flag myself, so that you and nearly every other soul in my generation will treat me like a generous, loving hero, too. How must it feel?

But I wonder, what will happen when the praise dissipates? The gays are long gone. They rushed off to be legally married, just happy to finally have the right. But what of those that fought for them? What of those that joined the rejoicing? Now that the war is over, now that the confetti has settled, what will come next? I can already hear the whispers begin to escalate as my peers stand still in a sea of deflated balloons and crushed party hats, finding boredom in peace.

“Now what?”

“I heard the Mormons still don't agree with same sex marriage?”


“Well, that's perfect!”

“What hateful monsters!”

“Those bigots!”

“Let's get em!!!”

With the birth of positivity, negativity has stemmed from the remnants of cheer. I was astounded to learn how many of my peers were SO supportive of the LGBT community, but I was even more surprised at the abundance of immediate retaliation against Christians. Ladies and gentlemen, behold this tiny portion of my social media feed:

"Why are Mormons so judgmental? God also teaches to love your neighbor; you can't pick and chose which commandments to abide by. If God isn't going to change his mind about this, why did he change his mind about the blacks holding the priesthood in the 70's? The absolute bigotry that comes from those that call themselves “Christian” is absolutely disgusting. If only the Mormon's could see the good in this decision. Seeing all of the hate and bigotry in Utah about the gays is heart-breaking."

It seems a common conundrum that this world can't seem to understand: why does the LDS church hate the gays?

I may not be the shiniest advocate for the LDS church, but I was raised in it. I have lived inside the white walls of religion. I have learned the teachings of the gospel. I have listened to my leaders preach their belief in the works of God. As an insider, I am here to answer your question. Why do Mormons bare such hatred and bigotry towards gays? Oooooh this has got to be good! Drum roll, please!

They don't.

There is your answer. Happy? I'm going to give you a word of advice that those sweet Christian's wont: shuuuuuuut up. Shut up. Just . . . shut up. Please, please, please for the love of all that is good and holy, find a new complaint to file because this one is invalid and quite frankly, overdone. The ranks of the LDS church hold no animosity towards the LGBT community, nor have they ever declared otherwise. The LDS church disagrees with the concept of same sex marriage for the same reason they disagree with abortion, blasphemy, premarital sex, lying, stealing, and any other guideline you can think of. Because they base their lives around what they truly believe to be God's word: the Scriptures. The Mormon's have lived by the teachings of the Bible and the Book of Mormon for decades. Just because you have put up a big enough fight, does not mean an entire religion must bend their beliefs to accommodate yours. Get over yourselves.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued a statement Friday acknowledging the Supreme Court's ruling. “The court's decision does not alter the Lord's doctrine. While showing respect for those who think differently, the Church will continue to teach and promote marriage between a man and a woman as a central part of our doctrine and practice."

There is a thread of complaints that I have found impeccably common among my generation: “The LDS church is not accepting. They do not love all of God's children. They can't open their minds and their hearts to an opinion that differs from theirs. They are so closed-minded, they shun a belief that they don't agree with. Preposterous!”

I have customized the frequently used template to my own liking below:

“Christian bashers are not accepting. They do not love all of God's children. They can't open their minds and their hearts to an opinion that differs from theirs. They are so closed-minded, they persecute and disgrace a belief that they don't agree with. HYPOCRITICAL!”

I will say it again. The LDS church does not hate the LGBT community. The LDS church simply stands by a different opinion. Though you may loudly disagree with their disagreements, they will continue to disagree with yours.

Your reproach has come to no surprise to this religion, or any other, for that matter. Their scriptures, their prophets, and their leaders have been predicting the persecution of Christian's for hundreds of years. They have always known the day would come that they would be shunned and hated for their beliefs. They have prepared for it with conference talks and biblical quotes. They have learned how to stand strong in the face of sheer contempt, they have been taught to keep their standards high, to never bow to the demands of society.

Luke 6:22
“Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.”

As you rant on Twitter and seek out articles to post on Facebook, I truly, sincerely want you to know that when Mormons join together every Sunday morning, you and your words of intended destruction never even cross their minds. They sit in their classes, they pray with one another, and they listen as their leaders promote love and forgiveness for all. They read quotes from their beloved prophets that encourage them to strengthen their testimonies for the impending devastation of mass persecution. As you climb to the rooftops and spread your profound wisdom and insight, they gather with their families and bow their heads in prayer as they begin Family Home Evening.

Your tangents are ignored, because they know you haven't the slightest clue as to what you speak of. Go away. Leave the Mormons alone. They will not give you the fight that you so desperately seek. Stop spreading your lies and rumors, and try learning for yourself. Step inside a church, and gather your own opinion, rather than base it off of what you've heard from your peers.

Enjoy your victory with the new-found rights for the LGBT community. Rejoice in your pride for this country. I hope you find happiness in a world that cherishes it's underdogs, and shames a massive organization that aims for righteousness and the Heaven that they so strongly believe in. When you decide to enter a church out of pure curiosity for the secrets that lie within, they will be ready for you. They will welcome you with open hearts and open minds. And until then?

They'll be praying for you.

Matthew 5:44
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

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