This is Storm!

A writer, a mother, a self-admitted shopaholic.
I'm just trying to live a life I'm proud of!
Aren't we all?
Check out my secondary blog for short stories and clips about health, beauty, and parenting!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

One of the Most Common Weight Loss Myths, Researched and Revealed.

A lot of us have heard that eating six small meals a day will boost your metabolism and promote weight loss. I'll admit, even I believed and lived by it for the longest time. It was a frequent health goal of mine; every time I got on another fitness kick, I'd plan to eat 6 small meals every day. With February's New Month Resolution being based around health and weight loss goals, it made sense to do some research on the focal points and pound out a couple posts. I thought it would be easy enough, because I'm well versed in the science of health and wellness. Of course, the first method I targeted was eating six small meals a day, hoping to write a helpful, persuasive article with my findings. My findings, however, have lead me down a different path.
The general belief is that eating six small meals a day will boost your metabolism and promote faster weight loss! Recent studies actually show that the claim has been widely misunderstood and twisted by various authors and weight loss trainers.
Jorge Cruise's book, The 3-Hour Diet, is based around the six meal approach. His written secret to weight loss is eating within 1 hour of rising, eating every three hours after, and stop eating three hours before you go to bed. If you've come to believe that six small meals a day is the way to go, then this would seem like the perfect plan, but researchers say otherwise.

A nutrition director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Bonnie Liebman stated that “If there are any good studies proving Cruise's point, they certainly aren't well established.” Another researcher with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Gary Schwartz believes that “there is no strong data supporting either [three meals a day or six meals a day] as being more effective” for losing weight or maintaining weight loss.
From what I've heard about the six meal plan and how big of a weight loss factor it was known to be, I found it hard to believe that it was only a myth! I dug deeper, hoping to uncover a truth I might like. How could eating six small meals a day NOT benefit me? It boosts the metabolism, which boosts weight loss, no? No.
A study performed by the University of Ottawa found that eating six meals a day does not boost the metabolism at a noticeable rate, nor does it increase weight loss. Karen Collins with the American Institute for Cancer Research noted that the baseline metabolic rate (how fast the body burns calories) was unaffected by differences in meal timing and frequency in a recent study. Overall, researchers agree that when it comes to your metabolism and weight loss, your results will depend on the amount of calories you're taking in, the types of food you're consuming, and how many calories you're burning daily. Whether you're eating three or six meals a day, studies prove that quality over quantity is the key to success.
So what's with the myth?! What did this misconception stem from and why is it such a popular belief? While I found that there was no solid data supporting the claim that eating multiple times a day will boost your metabolism, I did find multiple valid reasons as to why the six meal plan is beneficial to your body and an important map to have on your journey to health and weight loss! Now, I am not saying that I disagree with the studies that have been conducted. I do understand that the scientific facts given to us by researchers all over the country are valid and backed by evidence, but I have to believe that they may not be considering the variable of common sense into their equation.

The obvious benefits of the six meal plan that are simply common sense:
  • If you set a schedule for yourself to eat six small meals a day, more likely than not, breakfast fits into your plan. If it doesn't, then you've got some revising to do. Breakfast is essential to your metabolic rate and weight loss. A healthy meal will start your day with nutrients that energize your body and mind in the early morning hours. After breakfast, your body begins to work to digest the food you ate, burning calories and kicking your metabolism into gear.
  • As long as you're making wise, healthy choices, then the more you eat, the more energy you have, the more proactive you are! How are you supposed to be active if you haven't eaten anything in hours and you're just sleepy and hungry? Don't fall into the couch, couch potato. Get up, get eating, get moving. Energize yourself with fibers and nutrients! The more active you are, the more weight you're likely to lose!
  • After about 3 hours of eating, the average person's blood sugar beings to fall. After 4 hours, the body has digested the previous meal. At 5 hours or more, the blood sugar has plummeted. Keep your blood sugar up by noshing on healthy snacks through out the day to avoid the crash!
  • No binging! We've all eaten ourselves into a food coma before, haven't we? You're starving yourself all day because you get to go to your favorite restaurant for dinner and order everything on the menu! Not only do you feel lethargic and bloated afterwords, but you probably took in a week's worth of calories with all of that bread and pasta. Keeping food in your stomach during the day will prevent you from binging on big meals when you've reached the point of ravenous hunger.
  • Do you have a desk job? You can burn calories at your desk by eating small snacks through out your day. There are multiple foods that contain less calories than your body burns just by eating and digesting them! Some examples are celery, grapefruit, lettuce and leafy greens, watermelon, lean meats, broths, yogurt, apples, oranges, tomatoes, chili peppers, arugula, cucumbers, asparagus, broccoli, and more! Mix up your choices with salads, grilled chicken dishes, fruit parfaits, and other healthy combinations to burn calories while you're chained to your desk instead of sweating at the gym!
While researchers claim that the six meal method is not proven to promote weight loss or boost your metabolism, I think some common sense is necessary in deciding which option would work best for you and your body. As for me, I'll continue with my six meals a day. Not only because I have a desk job that keeps me from the treadmill, but also because I need the extra energy to get through my days as a single mother, chasing around my little monster toddler and finding time to stay fit.

Do you prefer to eat six small meals or three meals a day? What works best for you?

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Stand Against the Worldwide Toddler Hunger Strike With These 6 Strategies!

I think I speak for just about every parent when I say that my toddler is intentionally trying to starve to death . . . or . . . something to that effect. She hasn't admitted anything yet, but I think she may be a part of some Worldwide Toddler Hunger Strike. This little girl is about as tiny as they come at almost two years old. A miniature child is cute and all, but I'm starting to worry that she's going to wither away into nothing if she doesn't start eating more!
It seems that almost every night, I watch my daughter nibble on some carrot sticks while I nibble my fingernails down to the bone and think of all the different advice I've heard from different experienced parents. Some tell me to make her stay at the table until she's finished every last bite, others tell me not to worry – kids will eat when they're hungry. Neither approach is as easy as it sounds. Do I hover over her highchair, waiving that 'one last bite' in front of her face, wrestling with her relentless attempts to escape? Or do I replace my wallet and sunglasses for a purse full of snacks, just hoping that she'll realize on her own that food is necessary for survival before she blows away at the park? It seems that either approach I take, I'm bagging up a handful of half eaten crackers and vegetables, tossing chunks of cheese and meat, and dumping countless bowls of meals that I had taken the time to prepare every night at dinner.
I had taken my daughter in for a routine checkup when her doctor pointed out that she wasn't growing and we discussed her eating habits – or lack there of. He assured me that it wasn't anything to stress over, but that I should monitor her eating more closely. He instructed me to place her on a fattening diet consisting of all the good stuff like buttered toast, buttered potatoes, buttered pasta, buttered anything with a glob of cream cheese, cottage cheese, and sour cream. Anything to load her up and kick start her growth. Well, that would have been the perfect strategy, had my daughter eaten anything that I placed before her. Pasta, bread, meats, she wanted nothing to do with. Toss her a couple celery sticks and apple slices and that little girl was as happy as could be with only a few bites of each.
So what could I do? In a desperate attempt to feed my toddler, I made just about every mistake that a parent could. I let her snack on nearly anything, including empty calories like chips and cookies. It was just comforting to know she was eating anything at all. I always had a sippy cup at the ready with milk or juice, hoping she would at least drink her nutrients. I battled with her over the last bite – sometimes even the first bite. I would bribe her. I would threaten her with notions of no candy, cookies, or juice. I would act as though I wanted her food – you know, as a type of reverse psychology – but she called my bluffs and gladly handed me her meal before she leaned as far as she could over the side, trying to fall out of her chair to get away from my pathetic groveling.
I was growing desperate, so I turned to the web! Because you can believe everything you read on the internet as opposed to real life experiences from a parent of 8! 'Cheesy smile'

The first thing I learned from my research was that most every parent faces this problem at some point. Toddlers are stubborn, opinionated, and find thrill in exercising their new found independence. Little turds.
In addition to learning that my daughter wasn't the only one engaged in the Toddler Hunger Strike Campaign, I also discovered that it's okay. Toddlers go through phases of starving and gorging. They'll eat one type of food for weeks on end and they'll deny foods that they once loved. Not only are toddlers taking advantage of their new independence, but they're diets are also based on a weekly scale – not daily, like adults. As long as your toddler is growing and has plenty of energy, then it's okay that they're not eating as much as you think they should!
Most every resource that I searched assured me that as long as she is growing at a healthy rate and she's got plenty of energy, then her eating habits shouldn't be a concern. But that's just it. My daughter wasn't growing. Sure, she had about as much energy and power of destruction as a lighting storm, but she hadn't gained a single pound in months, according to her growth charts. It was time to make a change and discreetly wean her from her loyalty to the hunger strike. After compiling a list of methods from other parents, the web, and personal experience, I'm proud to say that I've had some success! The process has been slow going, but at least it's going! If your little monster is engaged in the Worldwide Toddler Hunger Strike, then strategize with some of these wise tactics! Together, we can beat this!
  1. Most studies claim that toddlers should be eating three meals and two snacks a day. Try to time your kid's meal times with enough time in between for a small healthy snack and don't let them graze all day just to get something in their stomach! They'll be hungrier at dinner, resulting in a cleared plate and a little victory for you!
  2. Limit the amount of juices and milk they're taking in. Milk is very filling and most juices are loaded with sugars and preservatives that can ruin a child's appetite. My daughter won't touch water unless it comes from Mommy's water bottle, which results in more slobber and backwash than I can mentally handle. To make sure my toddler is getting plenty of water, I'll add a splash of juice for flavor into her sippy cup. It may seem deceiving, but hey, a momma's gotta do what a momma's gotta do.
  3. It's a commonly known fact that children find comfort in routine and familiarity. A set schedule for meal times will make it easier on your child to understand that play time is over and it's time to eat. Just like yesterday, just like every day before, and just like tomorrow.
  4. Children want to be a part of the group. One of the big kids. They're more likely to eat when they see Mom and Dad eating the same thing at the same time, especially if they're older siblings are doing it as well. Family meals are just about the only time my daughter will eat until her plate is completely clean. She'll join in on the conversation with her adorable babbling, she'll use a napkin, and she'll stay seated until everyone else is finished.
  5. If you're child is a picky eater, offer them multiple foods to chose from. I ask my daughter if she wants a whole list of meals before she finally picks one and that's okay. She takes pride in her independent decision and she's more willing to finish her dinner because she was the one who chose it all on her own.
  6. Doctors advise against threatening or bribing for many reasons. Meal times can turn into a power struggle, your toddler may find your pleading amusing and will continue the nightly act for attention, and your child may begin to resent meal times due to the stress and cookie related punishments. Let your toddler decide when they're done. They'll learn that an unfinished meal will only leave them hungry.
If none of these methods work for you at first, stick with them! It's all about routine. I know it's easier to hand them a bowl of Gold Fish Crackers when they leave they're pasta untouched, but you're only stifling your toddler's potential to establish healthy eating habits. If you're just too worried that they're not getting enough calories and nutrients, then snag a pack of PediaSure next time you're at the grocery store. My daughter starts each day with one of those. Not only are they healthy and fattening, but they're also delicious! In addition to the methods listed above and the PediaSure, I make sure my daughter's meal and snack options are both nutritional and filling. My suggested snacks are carrot sticks, cheese and crackers, granola bars, mixed vegetables, fruits, and cottage cheese. It took some experimenting to find what my daughter prefers, but I take comfort in the fact that even though she barely touched her dinner tonight, she had a sufficient source of nutrients through out the day.

Do you have any other successful methods in fighting the Toddler Hunger Strike? If so, I'd love to hear them! We solo-parents will take all the advice that we can get! Good luck and happy parenting!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Incredible, Magical, Super Fast Method for Hair/Nail Growth and Weight Loss!

I have found the holy grail. I have discovered the fountain of thick, long, shiny hair and strong, beautiful nails! The secret to boosting the metabolism and inducing weight loss! You know the best part? This amazing, magical, super fast instrument of glory can be found just about anywhere at a price as low as $7.00!!! Come, drink from the fountain of youth with me and revel in the luxurious effects.

Biotin is a natural substance that your body produces. WebMD describes Biotin to be “an important component of enzymes in the body that break down certain substances like fats, carbohydrates, and others.” Biotin Deficiency is not common, but the symptoms include:

  • Thinning of hair and loss of hair color.
  • Brittle nails.
  • A rash around the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Mild depression
  • Exhaustion
  • Tingling in the arms and legs
Whether you have a Biotin shortage or not, this vitamin can be taken by a wide range of people for many reasons! It is typically used for malnutrition, hair loss, brittle nails, diabetes, mild depression, and rapid weight loss. The magic pill, right?! AND it's a natural vitamin, which seals the deal for me!

What makes this vitamin so special? MD – Health claims that, “Biotin contains carbon dioxide in the tricarboxylic acid cycle or TCA cycle. This helps your body convert fat, protein, and carbohydrates into glucose energy to promote a better functioning metabolism.” And what do we all know? Faster metabolism = fast weight loss. The same source also states that this wonder pill can be used to help those with diabetes manage their symptoms.

My personal experience with the product.


I had heard through the grape vine that Biotin would help me reach my goal of healthy, strong, beautiful nails! I was at my local grocery store about a month ago when I saw a bottle on the shelf and decided to try it out. I'm not really one to rely on vitamins and medication in most cases. In fact, I can't even remember to take a daily multivitamin, despite the countless lectures from the parents. Regardless of my indifference to vitamins and medication, I took the prescribed amount on the pill bottle almost every day. Not only did the results completely exceed my expectations, they exceeded them very quickly. I noticed my nail growth first, because that's what I had taken the pills for in the first place. Within about a week or two, my nails were growing strong and at a quite impressive pace! I'll admit, I'm a little obsessive over my nails. They need to be perfect, or not done at all. I'll spend hours, perfecting a French tip or correcting simple mistakes. If one nail chips, then the rest of them will suffer the consequences of being cut down so they can all grow to be the same length and shape. Now that I think about it . . . I can't remember the last time I chipped a nail! After taking Biotin for just a month, my nails are long and strong and I'm not spending countless hours trying to make them look good. I was so thrilled with the effect on my nails that I didn't even notice my hair.

I like to keep my hair short. It's been chin length for a few years now and let me tell you, it never grows. I'll go months without a hair cut. Some times I dream of long, beautiful, sexy hair before I remind myself that I feel best with a spiky pixie cut or a short bob, but none of that matters; even if I wanted to grow my hair, it would take me years to get it past my shoulders. I'm not kidding. I was a few weeks into the Biotin routine when I began struggling with my hair. It had suddenly grown to an annoying length, resting on my shoulders and curling out at the ends, making me look like a 1960's house wife. I didn't even consider the Biotin pills had anything to do with it! I just threw it into a silly looking bun or put a few curls in it before leaving the house. It was my sister who pointed out how fast my hair was growing and she started asking me what I was doing different to help it grow. Light-bulb! That's when it hit me that the Biotin vitamins were the culprit of this awful hair length! It had grown so much in such a short amount of time! And you know what? It restored my lost faith of someday having long, luxurious curls, and I've decided to keep up with the Biotin and grow it out!

So what are the downsides? This golden egg sounds too good to be true! After researching the side effects of Biotin, I learned that as long as you take the dosage listed on the bottle and you never exceed 5000 mg in a day, then side effects are very uncommon and rare! Just to inform you of the risks you take when overdosing on Biotin, here's a list of side effects found on MD – Health.
  • Cystic Acne along the jaw line can be a result of too much biotin. Studies are unclear as to why, but researchers have found that as long as you consume no more than 2500 mcg in a day and drink plenty of water, acne shouldn't be a problem.
  • Allergies. If you're allergic to a B12 complex or cobalt, then you'll likely be allergic to Biotin. If that's the case, I'm deeply sorry. No magic pill for you.
  • Biotin can interfere with the effects of certain medication, mainly that which is used to lower cholesterol or anti-seizure prescriptions.
  • Researchers have reason to believe that too much Biotin can raise your risks of miscarriage. I couldn't find an explanation as to why, but I did read that no human studies have been conducted to form this conclusion. If you're pregnant, you may want to avoid this vitamin or use it carefully for the next few months. Oh, and congratulations, by the way!
  • I have also found personally that taking the full dosage each day can result in oily skin and hair. I cut my dosage in half to avoid the greasy shine.
Whether you're looking for ways to improve the length, color, and shine of your hair, strengthen your nails, boost your metabolism, give you extra energy, or just add to your overall health routine, Biotin is the solution that you're looking for! Check your local markets for a supply and make sure you read the dosage so you don't run the risk of taking too much. If pills aren't for you, then you can stock your kitchen with foods that are rich with Biotin such as cucumbers, oats, dried fruit, eggs, cabbage, milk, cauliflower, raspberries, and more! Foods containing Biotin may refer to it on the labels as B7 or Vitamin H.

Have you had experience with the magic supplement? How were your results?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


The overcast sky was cheerless and dreary.
In the murky water, weary ships sway.
I watch from the docks,
Searching for something I had lost.
Swallowed by the filthy fog,
Enveloped in the thick silence,
Utterly encased.
I watch from the docks.
Captured by the darkness at last
Whatever I had lost,
Was never coming back.
- A poem by Savannah Sky.


Monday, February 2, 2015

February's New Month Resolution: Paving the Road to Health!

As my New Month Resolution for the month of February, I've chosen to recover my health by sticking to a weekly, progressive schedule!
Some people are fortunate enough to make a lifestyle change over night. There are a lucky few blessed with a great amount of dedication and will power, but if you have a hard time switching from not-so-healthy to ultra health beast, then I hope this approach will be affective for you! Follow along with me as I recover my healthy habits in 28 days and let me know how it works for you!
I've made a list of my three necessary health improvements and separated them into a progressive weekly schedule. I've also added smaller goals through out the weeks. Of course, your focal points may differ, so feel free to switch out whatever you need to accommodate your overall objective. That last one labeled Perfection is all of my improvements combined in the last week. The goal here is to build my discipline at a realistic pace that works for me, resulting in a habitual healthy lifestyle that will be easy to maintain.
  • Less soda, more water.
    I am a soda junkie, drinking about 2 a day with almost no water. Not only does soda make me feel bloated and tired, but it's a pretty big contribution to cellulite.
  • Eating right.
    It's important to ingest 6 small meals a day and cover as many food groups as possible. For more information on the six meal method and how it affects the body, click here
  • Exercise.
    I used to be a total gym rat with the toned booty and the flat stomach. Now, I'm so out of shape that just running up the stairs to the kitchen leaves me winded. Sad, I know. It's okay though, because I'm going to get it back!
  • Perfection!
    This is the final week to combine all of my goals into a solid, healthy routine that will be easier to maintain as I roll into the coming months. I mean . . . I hope I'm not rolling. Correction: as I jog into the coming months.

My schedule is listed below. As you can see, I've left some spaces blank for me to fill in as I go, but in most cases, I've decided to stick to a set schedule to make things easier on my will power. Your schedule may have more to it or it may move at a faster pace. Like I said, personalize it to accommodate your situation and objective. My sister took one look at the schedule and said quite witheringly, “Why don't you just start all of this at once?” Yeah. She's one of those lucky few.
I'll keep my readers posted on the progress of the weekly goals, and I hope you'll join in and let me know if you find this effective! Wish me luck!


Week 1: Water V.S. Soda

8 cups of water per day8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water
4 sodas a week1 sodano soda1 sodano soda1 soda1 sodano soda
8 hours of sleep 3 nights

6 small meals 3 days
6 small meals6 small meals
6 small meals

Exercise 2 times a week

Exercise for 1 hour
Exercise for 1 hour

Week 2: Eating Right

6 small meals a day6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals
Each basic food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food group
8 cups of water per day8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water
3 sodas a week1 sodano sodano sodano soda1 soda1 sodano soda
Eat out only twice a week

8 hours of sleep 3 nights

Exercise 3 times a week
Exercise for 1 hour
Exercise for 1 hour
Exercise for 1 hour

Week 3: Exercise

Exercise 4 times a week Exercise for 1 hour
Exercise for 1 hour
Exercise for 1 hour
Exercise for 1 hour
8 cups of water per day8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water
3 sodas a week1 sodano sodano sodano sodano soda1 soda1 soda
8 hours of sleep 4 nights

6 small meals a day6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals
Each basic food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food group
Eat out only twice a week

Week 4: Perfection

Exercise 4-5 times a week Exercise for 1 hour
Exercise for 1 hour
Exercise for 1 hour
Exercise for 1 hour
8 cups of water per day8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water8 cups of water
2 sodas a week1 sodano sodano sodano sodano soda1 soda1 soda
8 hours of sleep 5 nights

6 small meals a day6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals6 small meals
Each basic food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food groupEat every food group
Eat out only twice a week