I go, I can almost always find at least one source from which little
puffs of smoke rise and dissipate. In close quarters with the right
lighting, I see smokey streams drifting to the ceiling, dancing
slightly with the movements below.
reminds me of Audrey Hepburn and the movies of her time, shrouded in
an ever constant haze of smoke. Nobody knew just how lethal those
enjoyable white sticks of toxins really were. The glamor of the 50's,
when nearly every arm in America was perpetually cocked and red
embers winked at the end of the cigarettes between their fingers as
they unknowingly smoked away years of their life. In cars, in
restaurants, in theaters, and even in nurseries. Foggy ceilings and
constant gray clouds of breath.
like today. Only this generation is wiser. We learned from their
mistakes. We watched our grandparents in hospital beds, we witnessed
the dramatized advertisements in health class, and we grimaced at the
scent of tobacco as we passed on the streets. We know better than to
sicken ourselves with such an obvious ailment. Instead, we puff on an
alternative. A safer, smarter alternative.
makes these devices a safe option, void of consequences?
it up,” they always reply. “I think if you could enlighten
yourself with some research, you'd come to find that there have been
countless studies performed. And guess what?”
wait, because I'm assuming the question is rhetorical, or they may
not have the opportunity to boast their mature and infinite wisdom.
FDA hasn't found a single side effect. Not a single danger. Nobody
has discovered any credible evidence that vaping is bad for
you. Look it up.”
have. And they're right. Despite their research, the FDA has been
unable to find any potential negative side effects. (Aside from the
expected shortness of breath and other typical results of inhaling
anything other than clean air.) They continue to perform tests, to
seek out the threat, but from what I can tell, the process is a slow
one and they have been at it for years.
In the
year of 2003, the electronic cigarette was first developed in
Beijing, China by Hon Lik. Twelve years later, they stand as a
popular trend here in the U.S.. The trend is widely believed to be
completely harmless. Our reasoning? Vaping is perfectly safe, because
the dangers have not yet been discovered.
you know that the first commercial cigarette was invented in 1865?
Pay attention to these dates, please. 1865.
1881, the industry exploded with James Bonsack and his advanced
machinery and production methods. Within five years, the market was
bringing in an estimated one billion dollars annually. In 1944,
cigarette production had risen to about three hundred billion every
And in
the year of 1964, eighty three years after Bonsack's
revolution, the surgeon general of the U.S. discovered and revealed
the dangers of cigarettes, claiming that they lead to lung cancer and
other terminal diseases. The next year, exemplary labels were added
to the cartons and warnings against the dangers of smoking began
appearing in the media. Finally, in the early 1980's, restrictions
were implemented on the product and its usage.
1881 to 1980, every glamorous arm in America was perpetually cocked.
Embers that shined like rubies winked from billions of cigarettes
across the country. It took us a total of ninety nine years to
understand the magnitude of the death that those pleasant, little
sticks evoked.
years from the rise of the industry and 115 years from the very first
commercial cigarette.
As you
sit there, puffing on your electronic cigarette while you research
the dangers, thousands of others do the same. All over America,
today's profoundly wise and cautious generation fill the skies with
gray clouds of breath, reveling in the safety of their release and
shaking their heads at those who taint the air with the stench of

Do me a
favor and smack yourself for being such an ignorant moron. Yes, I'm
calling you a moron. You, your friends, your family, and anyone else
you know that vapes. Including myself.
willingly admit that I, too, have unwittingly bound myself to such an
unpredictable, addicting, and convenient habit. I pack around my
beautiful, absurdly expensive, high quality pink ProVari, complete
with juice as sweet as candy. I understand, just like everyone else,
that these tiny machines are dangerously addicting, but we cannot use
this excuse to justify pure stupidity. We inhale a mix of toxins that
are burned at an incredibly high voltage because an individual in a
white lab coat has yet to tell us that, “those are going to kill
are we comfortable with filling our lungs with chemicals? Why do we
need someone to tell us that we will literally DIE before we
decline a new trend? Let's put a stop to this new wave of sickness.
Let us make a stand for this generation and prove that we are not as
reckless and arrogant as our reputation claims. Acknowledge history
with the respect it has earned and learn from the mistakes we have
witnessed first hand.
interested? How about this?
think we can all agree that America's behavior doesn't exactly place
us in the top 5 most intelligent countries. Shut up; don't get all
defensive. It's blatantly obvious, you fantastic patriot. Let's take
a look at what the rest of the world thinks about the revolution of
concept was introduced to America in 2006-2007.
2008, Turkey's health ministry banned the sale and importation of
e-cigarettes. The following year, countless similar restrictions are
implemented in places such as Australia, Canada, Jordan, Panama,
Israeli, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and even Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Department of Health banned electronic cigarettes and
enforced a maximum penalty of a HK$100,000 fine and two years'
imprisonment. Can you believe that? Of all people, Hong Kong is the
region to threaten such drastic consequences for the sale or
importation of a product that originated in China! Very
sneaky sabotaging, China. We totally fell for it. Well done.
In the
following years, bans and substantial fines were also set in
Thailand, Singapore, Argentina, Venezuela, and Holland.
about America? What did we do during this time?
York forbid indoor usage of E-cigs, New Jersey added the product to
their Public Smoking Ban, and Oregon sued a supporting company
called, Smoking Everywhere, for “targeting the youth and misleading
consumers.” California even passed a bill to ban the sale of the
product, but their governor terminated it. Ha! Get it?
Terminated. Because . . . because of The Terminator. Ha. Do you
understand the . . . Do you get the joke?
anyway! Bans, fines, and restrictions have been created all over the
world against the revolution of the electronic cigarette for various
reasons. China - where the first E-cig was born - will basically ruin
your life if you're caught selling or importing those things.
you STILL unconvinced? If you refuse to acknowledge history, if you
chose to ignore the warnings that resonate from all over the world,
and you absolutely need someone to tell you that smoking your vape is
going to kill you, then allow me.
smoking that e-cig in your hand is literally going to kill you. Get
rid of it. Too addicted? Decrease the amount of nicotine point, by
point, until you are sitting at a gratifying 0%. And then, break out
the suckers. When you get the craving to fill your throat with smoke,
grab a blue raspberry lollipop. (I've found this method to be most
affective in my venture to kick the habit. It works wonders.) If you
falter, don't give up. It's never too late to put an end to a bad
habit. And make no mistake, smoking anything is a bad habit. Vaping
is in no way conducive to your health.
that? Prove it? Well, I think it goes without saying that inhaling a
fried concoction of chemicals is bad for you. I can't prove that
vaping will kill you or plague you with an incurable disease, but
answer me this:
you prove that it wont?
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